UFO Online by dandare

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Isle of wight UFO sighting (january 27th,2008) 2 latest updates

Posted by dandare on February 8, 2008

uk and part of europe

According to Isle of wight county press (posted 8th february,2008), “Spate of UFO sightings over Island“. It says

“REPORTS of UFO sightings have been flooding in, following Frank Webb’s account last week [..]”.

“Three workers at Calbourne Classics, Richard McFarlane, 27, Barry Holland, 49 and Paul Westmore, 35, saw what they thought was a UFO the same day as Mr Webb’s sighting.
Mr McFarlane said: “It was a yellow ball in the sky. It had a haze around it and it wasn’t moving at all. We watched it for ages.”
But Andy Linington thinks it might well have been an aircraft.
He was near Ryde Town Hall when he saw a yellow object moving west to east, just as Mr Webb had described.
He said: “”It turned and started going towards London and it wasn’t until it was above me I saw navigation lights on its nose. I think it was an aircraft”” (extracts from article).
There were over witnesses, who give brief accounts.
These were all accounts from people who e-mailed or phoned the media, with some of the sightings going as far back as August 2007. These reports are of limited use, as only a small amount of information is given out.

Update: 11th february

In the latest news about ufo sighting the newspaper reports “UFO answer could lie in space” (8th feb,2008). However, in the article another question is also posed, in that it seems that a triangular UFO has been seen on a regular basis on the island?

4 Responses to “Isle of wight UFO sighting (january 27th,2008) 2 latest updates”

  1. isaiah30v8 said

    I think I’ll get a ticket to Ryde.

  2. dandare said

    Thanks isaiah…. 🙂

  3. Elaine said

    Hi, just wanted to thank you for the info regarding Angelia Joiner.
    I went to her site and sent her a note, so thanks again.

  4. jillh10 said

    Has anyone had any news of a large black triangular craft in or around Isle of White during March this year?
    I spoke to someone today that had been in the Isle of white on the 29th March this year reported to police of a craft that landed near by, he described it in likeness to a stealth and same colout and was approx as big as the canopy of our local petrol station, which brings me to the sightings by a monmouth taxi driver a few years ago whereby two such craft flew overhead

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