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UFO’s: Fact verses Fiction

Posted by dandare on August 4, 2007


UFOs: Fact verses Fiction By Bill Knell When a sci-fi fan thinks about UFOs or Aliens, images and descriptions from their favorite fictional film, TV series or book tends to pop into their thoughts. Sci-fi has been a powerful force in bringing the real and unreal about these subjects into our heads. Early stories found in picture books and dime novels from the turn of the century mirrored theories about canals on Mars. Images of Martians living by and traveling on those supposed waterways were trendy. During the 1920s to 1940s rockets became wildly popular and there were amateur rocket clubs all over the world. News of Robert Goddard’s successful experiments with rocketry near Roswell, NM, during that period added to the fever. In the world of science fiction, people were now traveling by rocket to our nearby planets to confront both friendly humanoids and horrifying space monsters! But all that soon changed. The 1950s brought us the golden age of modern science. We had begun to explore our environment more fully, started to reach out into space and developed fantastic inventions like the super computer. Some say that the 1950s put the SCIENCE in SCIENCE FICTION. Sci-fi stories became more believable because they were based on actual scientific theory or practical scientific fact. The same may be said of sci-fi stories about UFOs and Aliens. The 1950’s ushered in the golden age of the Flying Saucers. While sci-fi stories in previous decades ignored descriptions of creatures and crafts from actual sightings in favor of what science conjectured, things changed when alleged FACT became more interesting then FICTION! Most sci-fi books, publications, television presentations and films took notice of the fact that pilots, police officers and other credible witnesses were coming forward with accounts of seeing unknown aerial phenomenon and having encounters with odd beings that were too close for comfort. Although many were wildly exaggerated, the sci-fi genre picked up on the actual descriptions of crafts and creatures and incorporated these into their stories. This trend continued until the late 1960s when sci-fi moved back in the direction of a mixture of what actual science says is possible and the author’s imagination. It’s largely remained there.

Although sticking to the theme of science mixed with pure fantasy, sci-fi still occasionally plays the reality card and cashes in on the popularity of non-fiction UFO stories and encounters. With the popularity of real UFO sighting, Crop Circle and Alien Abduction stories at an all time high in the 1970s-1990s, films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Fire In The Sky, Independence Day, Men In Black and Signs made it big at the box office. While the sci-fi genre tends to make real stories of UFOs and Creatures a bit easier to swallow, more fun and sometimes a bit more frightening, the actual history of sightings and encounters is no less interesting.

Strange objects have been seen in the sky for thousands of years. Many are explainable, some are not. It might surprise you to know that many ancient civilizations had a basic understanding of what they saw in the sky, using it for navigation and direction finding purposes. Ancient people were as surprised and shocked as modern UFO Witnesses when they saw discs, cigar-shaped objects and strange balls of light that seemed under intelligent control. We know about their experiences because they took the time to chronicle sightings just as people do today. Landings, crop circles and other physical phenomena associated with UFOs were often explained away as or associated with religious experiences or devilish activity.

UFO occupants have also been with us throughout history. Sightings of small pale or gray beings and other types of creatures have been reported in conjunction with sightings. It’s possible that worldwide stories of small beings like leprechauns, trolls, faeries and others with great powers may have their origin in the UFO phenomenon. Some Native American groups, for example, trace their ancestry to the skies and claim they were brought here by small beings with great powers.

As humans have acquired the technology to better study the world around them over the past 150 years, incidents of strange aerial phenomenon have been better documented. From 1800-1900 these objects became known as airships. Thousands of carefully documented sightings were printed in reputable newspapers throughout the world, along with drawings showing the typical discs, cigar shapes and glowing balls of light. When photography became affordable and available to the general public, photographic evidence for UFOs rapidly grew. With there were and continue to be more then a few fakes or photos of known objects misidentified as UFOs, we now have many clear, daytime photos, film and video of UFOs.

1947 was the year of the UFO. Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot, former military flier and respected businessman, was flying his aircraft near Mount Rainier in Washington State on June 24, 1947. He saw several strange objects traveling at a tremendous speed and reported this incident after landing. Arnold said the objects moved in a strange way like tossed rocks skipping across the water. He described them as looking like broken saucers with the cup inverted on top. The press picked up the description and the term Flying Saucer was born. Two weeks later the U.S. Government released a press release saying that a ‘flying disc’ had crashed and been retrieved near Roswell, NM. They later changed their story saying it was merely a weather balloon. But stories of other crashes and close encounters persisted.

By 1949, the U.S. Military was faced with reports of strange things seen in the sky by thousands of people. Stories of crashed discs and flying saucers had caught the public’s attention and people wanted answers Many witnesses were trained observers and some were pilots. During WWII, U.S. Military pilots reported encounters with strange aerial phenomenon and nicknamed them Foo Fighters. The Military decided that the Air Force would investigate these type of incidents and, in 1949, Project Blue Book was born. Bluebook created the term U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Object) as an umbrella to fit all the sightings under. As one former un-named Air Force General said, “The Air Force is not going to investigate cups and saucers flying around the sky!”

In 1969 a report based on Bluebook was issued to the public which stated that 95% of all UFO sightings were explainable, 5% were not and the objects seen posed no threat to national security. Revelations from thousands of freedom of information documents, military whistleblowers and statements by foreign governments have shown us that Bluebook was a smoke screen designed to satisfy public curiosity and that there was far more to this phenomenon then what the military had reported. In 1988, for example, the former Soviet Union issued a statement claiming that a UFO had landed in a park in Russia, occupants had been seen and that these objects were likely of extra-terrestrial origin. One former Soviet document is a letter written by the head of NASA warning the Russians that American Astronauts had seen and encountered odd crafts while on the Moon. The letter is dated 1969 and has a reference number on it, but NASA says they no longer have a copy, can’t locate the reference number and so cannot verify the document.

One scientist that worked on the final Bluebook report was Dr J. Allen Hynek a professor from Northwestern University. After looking at reports and evidence that existed apart from Bluebook, he decided that the project had ignored the best evidence in favor of lesser cases that could easily be explained away. He created the Dr. J. Allen Hynek Center for UFOs Studies with the hope that a scientific study of the phenomenon would yield more then what the Government found. It was Hynek that created a simple way to describe contact with UFOs in scientific terms. A Close Encounter of the First Kind was a sighting. A Close Encounter of the Second Kind involved physical evidence like a crop circle. A Close Encounter of the Third Kind was contact with a UFO Occupant. Although Hynek didn’t think much of Abduction stories, a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind is a term generally used to describe UFO Abduction Cases. Hynek passed away in the late 1980s.

Some common explanations for UFOs are ball lightening, misidentified private, commercial or military aircraft and natural phenomenon. There are problems with these explanations. Ball lightning appears so briefly if is rarely photographed. Many pilots themselves see UFOs and would know the difference between planes and something else. Most people that report sightings no longer bother to report far off objects in the sky that might be natural phenomenon, but tend to report close encounters that defy explanation. Within the field of what some call Ufology, there are two groups that have come to define the investigation of unknown Ariel Phenomenon. These are the True Believers and The Skeptics. The True Believers are certain that UFOs defy explanation, while the Skeptics believe that all or most sightings can eventually be explained in a conventional way. Ironically, it’s these two groups that do the most harm to the serious study of UFOs. Both are certain about their beliefs with little or no room for science, hypothesis or debate. For my part, it seems more desirable to be somewhere in the middle of the two with room for movement in either direction on a case by case basis.

Stories of objects and creatures from space remain with us and are unlikely to vanish as long as sci-fi writers write and people continue to report what they feel are actual encounters with strange Ariel Phenomenon and the Beings that travel in them.

BACK to The Unexplained

Article taken from http://www.ufoguy.com

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Large Ufo over Liverpool

Posted by dandare on August 2, 2007

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The Maghull and Aintree star has an article (2nd August)  ” Mysterious object is a return Visitor to Liverpool“… the event happened on the 25th july,…and ” The UFO was so large, a passing commercial airliner was dwarfed against it…..” 

This seems to be recurring theme as…

“Earlier this year in January, a Mr Fraser of Childwall was taking a nightly stroll down Menlove Avenue when he noticed several lights in the sky….”. And “The huge disc-shaped UFO moved slowly from the direction of Halewood across the sky, and Mr Fraser and a female passer-by watched it head towards Netherley”.

There are other witnesses who saw this gigantic ufo…. for the full article (quotes here taken from the article) please see here .

  I hope its not a play on the channel island sighting earlier in the year…..have to see how this one pans out, and see if anymore sightings, information can be gathered…so will update if/when any more comes my way.  

Also another article of interest can be seen here (by Maghull and Aintree Star occurred2002).

UPDATE: 28th August

As was mentioned in a later post on this blog, but might have been missed here.. i have added the article from the local paper, where it belongs (in this article).

The sefton and west lancs (uk) has an interesting article entitled “Throwing light on a mystery” (posted 16th August). It mentions that the recent sightings around Liverpool could be Ball lighting, however it goes on to mention…..

“If the lights being seen across this region are ball lightning, the weather may be to blame, as we have had alternating days of rainy and sunny weather recently, but the reports of the Liverpool Lights seem to defy such a rational explanation”.

Posted in liverpool ufo, news, newspapers, ufo, ufo in uk, ufo research, ufo's, ufo's in UK | Leave a Comment »

UFO’s in Turkey?

Posted by dandare on July 31, 2007

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I’m not sure what is going on in Turkey but i did see this in june 2007…..from the daily HÜRRİYET (turkish media)……..

“The man who saw seven UFOs within a day

Ayhan Hacısalihoğlu, 43-year-old Mediterranean branch sales manager of ECA Elmor company, saw seven unidentified flying objects in the sky on June 11 at 11:30 p.m. while sitting in the balcony of his home in Antalya, wrote the daily Hürriyet yesterday.

Hacısalihoğlu recorded the objects with his camera for five and a half minutes and showed the footage to Hasan Uğur Epirden, the chairman of Sirius UFO Research Center in Antalya, a tourist city in the western Mediterranean.

Selahattin Kurt, the deputy manager responsible for the air traffic in Antalya airport, said that 23 unidentified flying objects had been seen on the night of May 31. However, none of them were picked up by the radar installation”.

“The records are reviewed over and over again and we have determined that the flying objects in the records are ‘space objects’,” experts at the airport wrote in the reports of June 11 air records. Hacısalihoğlu asked $100,000 for his footage, read the daily yesterday….”

Of course, i would like to know what they refer as “space objects”..is this meoteorites,ect. or possibly the way it has been translated (from turkish to english)…..and whether this is being disputed.

Also in june, 2007 UFO sightings at Didim (see here for article)…. there have also been rumours of a possible ufo fleet sighting recently, but i cannot find any news on this…. 

Previously for 2007, the only other reference i can see was from …..

The Sabah Newspaper (an English speaking Turkish newspaper), of Istanbul, Turkey, on January 4, 2007 mentioned.

People Claim Seeing A UFO In Istanbul

Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled people on Wednesday night. Witnesses have claimed that the lights were coming from a UFO.

In Bahcelievler district of Yenibosna, Istanbul, people have called news agencies on Wednesday night and reported unidentified white lights flying in the sky. According to the eye witnesses, the flying object was revolving around itself and was dazzling.

Update: 2nd August, 2007

UFO-Melting-Pot: “in the area surrounding the princes island 25-30 ufos spotted. video recordings exist.” Please see here for information. Information from http://unconventionalindividualist.wordpress.com/ thanks for this 🙂 

Update 4th August

“A bright sun coloured UFO, swift, noiseless and melon-shaped, swerves in the sky at speed then flys toward the sea and on into the horizon, Turkey, 9.30pm, Saturday 1st July”.
An account of a ufo sighting, is recounted here (thanks to RealUFO.co.uk).

August 10th Update

Not sure of the validity of this video from you tube, but here it is….

August 13th UPDATE

Thanks to Alan Barrett for sending in 2 photos….

As he mentions in the comment below, the “daylight photo from 6th July 2007,that contains something i did not know was there,when i took the shot.In a sequence of three photos,taken from a moving minibus(dolmus),the middle one shows something over FETHIYE town in the distance,just below the farther away mountains.This looks quite symetrical after a magnification,and is not dirt on the windscreen”.

 Alan was using a Canon PowerShot A570 IS, and shot the photo at 2.38 pm.
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Looking at the photos, i am afraid the second one is far to small for a proper analysis, and even the first one is proving a challenge. On looking at this photo, i noticed what seems like reflections (after enlarging 50%), just below the telegraph poles on the left of the picture (figure 1, did not use unsharpen mask).
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The object in question, is just above the road on the right, and can be seen enlarged (figure 2- image 100% enlarged, but untouched…ie no unsharp mask,ect).
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I next sharpened the image as can be seen in figure 3 below.
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And finally, i took the part of the object, and highlighted it with colour to see if anything was picked up….figure4 below.
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My conclusions are that i’m not sure, as the image is quite small, i’m afraid; although i cannot rule out a very small chip in the window. If anyone would like to comment on these images please do. 

Thank you alan for sending them in, sorry i cannot be of more help. 🙂

Posted in UFO Documents/archives, ufo sightings in turkey, ufo's | 3 Comments »

Extensive Report on O’Hare Incident becomes available

Posted by dandare on July 28, 2007

On 24th july, 2007, NARCAP finally released their extensive and huge report into the O’Hare International Airport, which took place on November 7th, 2006.. It has some excellent analysis, and great detail…. It is 152 pages long, and i have only just skimmed through it so far, but i will endevour to download and read through it thoroughly soon.
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I encourage you to have a look….. the witnesses who came forward were fearfull for their careers, and there seems alot of intimidation from United airlines among others to brush this under the carpet. For instance “If we see a funny looking bag all damn hell breaks loose, but park a funny silver thing a few hundred feet above a busy airport, and every body tries to hush it up”.
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There are also other witnesses who came forward, who were coming in to park, and saw the event….. one witness says there were some with digital cameras taking photos!    

The full report can be found here … (you might have to be a little patient as the thing downloads, but its worth it, with diagrams,ect throughout). 

The most fundamental part of the report mentions that:

“This investigation has determined that, based upon the testimony of multiple eye witnesses in different locations at O’Hare International Airport, a small physical, and apparently solid object hovered over the United Airlines concourse area for at least ten minutes or more but was not detected either by radar or visually by air traffic controllers in the tower. For this reason the object is considered a definite potential threat to flight operations at O’Hare.”

Posted in flying Disk, news, o'hare incident, ufo, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo updates | 2 Comments »

UFO Archive…..Brazilian Aircraft encounter, 1986

Posted by dandare on July 9, 2007

Date: 19th may, 1986

place detected: cities of Sao Paulo, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Rio de Janeiro (brazil)

Objects were detected by Radar from Brazil’s Air Space Defence Centre, in brasilia, and it was claimed they were interfering with Air Traffic (mentioned by Brigadier Lima).
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Fighter aeroplanes (3 mirages and 2 F-5E, although in some it says 3? F-5E planes, so not sure which) were sent to intercept/chase these Unidentified Flying Objects; they were multi coloured UFO’s the size of ping pong balls.

Brigadier General, Moreira Lima, later mentioned that “i cannot give an explanation for this, because we do not have any”.

One F-5 pilot, mentioned that unidentified flying objects followed his plane, 7 on one side, and six on the other.

Later,on Globo Television News, a pilot said the UFO’s were “the shape and size of ping pong balls, flying at speeds of 840 mph”.

The jets actively chased them for 3 hours (source Manchete Television News Network), but were forced to go back due to low fuel.

Another witness to this, was Ozires Silva,(president of the state run Oil company Petrobas-flying a Xingu plane), who was trying to land at San Jose dod campos airport (a Brazilian Air Force base), but was unable to, due to radar showing 12 UFO targets in the area.

He however, told the pilot to chase the lights (did so for around 25 minutes), and also informed the Centre of Air Defence via radio. Ozires Silva, was also known as a colonel, hence him landing where he did. 

 Soon the journalists picked up the story and Brigadier Lima, made a statement saying ” It is not a question of believing or not, this requires technical information, and we have neither replies nor technical explainations for what happened”.

The head of Air Defence Operations – Colonel Ney Antunes Cerqueira..
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There was a promise of an official report on the incident, to be available to the public 30 days from the event….. however, this was not forthcoming, and was kept secret. 

 A detailed account of all this can be seen here ; please also see nicap, for the report and FOIA documents.

Ozires Silva link in portuguese (try translating into English on google).

I have been informed that….an announcement in May 2005, by the Brazilian government in Brasilia, and consequently by the Brazilian Air Force, to officially open their files regarding Extraterrestrial sightings throughout the country was a major step forward.

 Their files go back to 1954 and reveal that unique aerial sightings were labeled “H Traffic”. This came about after pressure was placed on them from a team of Brazilian experts, who insisted on public access to this information. Among these individuals was A.J. Gevaerd who is familiar with The Academy’s work and information.”

Also of interest, on brazilian ufo naval sighting (short video on history channel, other links can be seen here too), unrelated to above sighting,  can be seen here .

Posted in 1986, aircraft encounter, history, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo's, ufo's in brazil | Leave a Comment »

Roswell- ufo crash 1947… more information revealed?

Posted by dandare on July 2, 2007

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Lt. Walter G Hault, who was the public information officer (Roswell Base), left a sealed affidavit which was to be opened when he died; he died last year, but the contents of the affidavit was not released until very recently.

He mentions in it, that the crashed craft existed (15 foot long and 6 foot high and egg shaped), he saw it, and that small alien bodies also existed (tallest 4 foot)…He also saw and handled the debris. For detailed analysis see link . Also see daily mail article, here ;also fox news (starts off mentioning Kenneth Arnold, and goes onto Walter Hault.

However, we also see that he mentioned many things to the press, see here ; Others mentioned that later in his life, he had difficulty in remembering things, and became confused… therefore, it would be interesting to know (if at all possible) in what condition did he sign this affidavit, and if anyone prompted him/helped him with the writing of it?  Whilst on the flip side, it seems (from other researchers)  he did not want (for whatever reason) to confess anything about roswell (in detail) whilst he was alive. 

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Also of interest is a radio interview, done by Art Bell with Col. Philip Corso (on Roswell ufo crash)….. Philip Corso was a member of Eisenhower’s NSA and former head of Foreign Technology desk at the US army research and development department. He came forward to reveal he saw alien artifacts from roswell, among other things..

Also of general  interest to this event, can be found at the Paul V. Galvin Library  with photos and reports. The GAO Roswell report here , the MJ-12 documents , charlie Moore’s take on this, and the roswell incident and project mogul . Also roswell photos . (please also see other roswell articles on this blog, for more roswell links- all links will be placed in one place in awhile). For other articles, just type in roswell or 1947 in the search box.

Posted in "Flying Saucer", 1947, extraterrestials, flying Disk, news, Roswell, ufo, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo updates | 3 Comments »

Channel Island UFO Update

Posted by dandare on June 26, 2007

On the Richard & judy show (in the UK), shown yesterday (25th June), there was an interview with Captain Ray Bowyer. Also from The Guernsey press  , an article about him being on “Richard and Judy” (dated 26th june, This is guernsey).

Someone has very kindly posted it on you tube and it can be seen below….lasts around 6 mins.

Update: 28th june,2007

There are some more links to be added…. (thanks to www.uk-org/ufologyinuk as i had missed these).

A map of the general area , casquets lighthouse, which Captain Bowyer mentions and an attemp to place the sightings on a map  (very useful).

Also the only Guernsey ufo photo at you tube…although i am not conviced by this whatsoever…..but here it is, for you too decide.

It is also worth pointing out (also highlighted by www.uk-org/ufologyinuk ) that nearby these sightings, are La Hague nuclear reprocessing centre, and north of Alderney, the Hurd  deep inventary (was used for nuclear waste disposal, ie plutonium)….this in itself should be cause for concern to the authorities…if nothing else, due to the earthquake that was felt in Kent recently, among other things. 

Also, i can add that proper information analysis is being carried out by several researchers and scientists, at this moment in time (both British and French, ie French government UFO agency GEIPAN will be involved, to what extent i am uncertain)….. and a thorough investigation will take place with the co-operation of Captain Bowyer’s. 

I know this will be done down to the smallest details, with everything considered… and therefore this may take some time in creating.  But i will post on this blog any new information…. 

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6o years ago, “flying saucer” was born

Posted by dandare on June 23, 2007

On the 24th June, 1947 (60 years ago) Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984), an American businessman,  saw an extra ordinary event, which was to create the phrase/term “flying saucer” or “Flying disk” by the press. (for early newspaper articles on this see link here).

He was flying from Chehalis (Washington) to Yakima (washington), in a Call Air A-2 due to a business trip, when he found out that a $5000 reward was being offered for the sighting of a US marine Corps C-46 transport plane, which had crashed near Mount Rainier, and so went to find it….

Conditions:- Sky….. clear with a mild wind

By 3pm he gave up the search and started to travel to Yakima, when he saw 9 objects (flying in a chain) flying over Rainier to mount adams (he later calculated they must have been travelling 1200 mph- ie time travelled between the 2 points).
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The media were soon onto this, as word got around, and Kenneth later said that they  “flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across water”…. this soon led to the term by the press of “flying saucer” and also “flying disk”.

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A excellent article can be seen written by Arnold himself, about the event at Project 1947 . 

A very detailed analysis can be found  here  and there is a transcript of a telephone conversation with kenneth here .

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Posted in "Flying Saucer", 1947, flying Disk, Kenneth Arnold, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo's | Leave a Comment »

Sky news on Channel island UFO’s incident (event:23rd April)

Posted by dandare on June 22, 2007

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Sky news have now picked up the story of the channel island ufo’s, (23rd April, 2007 -on this site under channel island incident- 3 articles) and the link for Sky can be seen here . On the right,  (in the sky article) is a video of  Nick Pope identifying possible ufo’s on sky news … i will leave you to decide on his take on this.

I have also spotted a link to this at This is London.co.uk(article also done recently) and also Fox news.

Posted in 23rd april, channel island incident 2007, news, Nick Pope, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo video, ufo's | Leave a Comment »

MOD online update

Posted by dandare on June 20, 2007

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Updated information concerning UFO reports made to the British
Ministry of Defence in 1998 – 2006,  has recently been added to their website……please  see here .

Also, unrelated to the above, but of some interest………….The Wired blog network has an article on Spooks Infiltrating UFO Community….mmm. Lets hope i do not get whisked away, on the grounds of National Security….


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