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UFO Update (links to Aviation Audio live feeds)

Posted by dandare on June 6, 2007

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First off today (a bit late i’m afraid) …….Planet-hunters find bonanza of new solar systems (may 29th,2007).

Whilst looking around for American Aviation Air Traffic control, i came upon several Aviation Audio live feeds… at liveatc . 

There were several interesting links on this site…one in particular was an experimental link to world communication on a planet globe, with links to other aviation links in other countries.  

It does mention however….. “ NOTICE

If you link from your web site to any of these audio feeds you must give credit to LiveATC.net and
provide a prominent link to http://www.liveatc.net from your site. Direct linking without prior approval
is strongly discouraged”.

Other interesting Aviation links were found at atcmonitor , and amfly also links to airport monitor sites and inks at passur to radar airport sites available.

Canadian Air Traffic control can be found here , and

links for NASA satellite tracking, and  also other things like tracking of international space station can be found here .

I did notice the link for O’Hare airport down however….mmm.

I’ll give these a try/listen in the near future………..

for funny ufo webcam site….. try this 

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Roswell incident will soon reach 60th Anniversary (pt2)

Posted by dandare on June 3, 2007

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  The Roswell Ufo Crash Sixty Years Later (1947-2007): Secrets Yet To Be Revealed

by Bill Knell
Thousands will gather in Roswell, NM, this summer for the annual UFO Festival. Because it’s been sixty years since the UFO crash, this festival will be more important than most. Despite self-serving, ever-changing statements directly or indirectly from the U.S. Government, no one really knows what crashed near Roswell in July of 1947. However, thanks to the courage of individuals that have come forward to speak about what they witnessed or the role they played in the unexplained event, we can be almost certain of one thing. It was, in the words of the late Jesse Marcel Sr., “not of this earth.”

Marcel was an Intelligence Officer at the base and had personal involvement with the investigation of the material from the crash site. He is not alone in his assessment of what crashed near Roswell. The late Retired Colonel Philip Corso offered his own experiences as proof positive in a book entitled ‘The Day after Roswell.’ Shortly after the UFO crash, Corso had an opportunity to view an unusual cadaver preserved in some sort of blue liquid while he was Post Duty Officer at Fort Riley, KS. The body came from Roswell via Fort Bliss and was en route to Wright Field (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH).

It’s important to remember that these are just two of the many people that had first or second hand knowledge about the crash. Even a quick examination of the collective evidence would indicate this event involved something more than a weather, high altitude or radar balloon with a bunch of crash test dummies or cadavers aboard. It was more than some crazy test vehicle that a bunch of super-intelligent children or midgets were piloting around the New Mexico desert during a violent thunderstorm. These facts make the Roswell UFO Festival an essential event that has become an annual reminder of a great mystery that remains unsolved.

Although I have been to Roswell over twenty times since the early 1980s, I have never attended the festival. My loss. However, I have (by invitation) presented seminars in the town before the festival was organized and visited occasionally since that time. Despite missing out on all the festivities, I have always enjoyed the calm and mystery of the place without all the hoopla.

I presented my first seminar in Roswell during 1992. It was supposed to be a low-key event at a nice hotel and small convention facility for a group of former military personnel (unrelated to the old base) holding a reunion in town. They invited me to speak after one of the organizers heard a guest spot that I did on an Albuquerque radio show the year before. Barely aware of the crash, the organizer was fascinated by my analysis of what happened at Roswell in 1947. He wanted those attending the reunion to have an opportunity to hear the same thing.

I arrived in town a few days before the event so that I could snoop around as I usually did whenever I came to Roswell. Unfortunately, my radio and television appearances in Albuquerque to plug a seminar I presented there alerted the media in Roswell. A noontime television interview that I did on a local Albuquerque news program was simulcast in Roswell and that was the end of my ambiguity. With the story of the Roswell Crash all over the map in those days and a shortage of UFO researchers that spoke about Roswell actually visiting their town, I was invited to appear on a midday TV news show, booked for a guest spot on local radio and gave an interview to the Roswell Daily Record.

Fortunately, my seminar for the group holding their reunion in Roswell was also open to the public. And the public came out in force. I was surprised because you would think that after the publication of The Roswell Incident, an Unsolved Mystery episode on the crash and all the media coverage received, the people in town would be sick of hearing about UFOs. Instead, they couldn’t get enough.

One of the people that attended my seminar was Glenn Dennis. He was the funeral home worker that said he arrived at the Roswell Base just after the crash in 1947. He took some time to speak with me after the seminar ended and said that my presentation about UFOs was the most accurate and the best he had ever seen. Similar kudos were thrown my way by others in the audience and those comments remain a highlight of my time as a paranormal researcher.

Most of the younger people that came out to my seminar candidly told me that most of what they learned about the crash came from TV specials and occasional news reports. Given my first visit to Roswell in the 80‘s, I believed them. Asking about the location of the crash in those days tended to get you dirty looks. Roswell citizens were in a state of denial and even the history of the old Roswell Base seemed unimportant to them at that time. It was a lesson in how successful a cover-up and government intimidation can be.

Despite their lack of enthusiasm for local history during my first visit to Roswell, I am happy to report that the town has had a complete turn around. Barely mentioned in the town brochure and considered a kind of local embarrassment in those days, the UFO Crash has become almost a centerpiece of town history. The base, its connection to atomic history and the former military members that served there have also received a lot more attention in the post no-nukes atmosphere of the 1970s and 1980s. The people have changed as well.

A new generation seems to embrace the attention that the UFO Crash brings each year. The 1994 Showtime Networks cable television film about the UFO Crash entitled, Roswell, renewed a lot of local interest in the crash and a reexamination of what really happened. That coincided with a call for the release of government documents about the UFO crash by the late Steven Schiff, a New Mexico Representative driven to make the inquiry by calls and letters from his constituents. The 1990s remained hot for Roswell with the 1997 publication of Colonel Corso’s book, The Day after Roswell, and the 1999 premier of Roswell, the TV Series (1999-2002).

Roswell is still a treasure house of undiscovered secrets. Proof of that comes from the people that still come forward with information about the things that happened in the town. Last year I was contacted by a man living in California who I’ll call Al. After listening to the rebroadcast of a radio program recorded a few years ago with the late Colonel Corso talking about the Roswell UFO crash, Al began to give some thought to something that had occurred earlier in his life.

Al moved to San Francisco, California, in 1964. Sometime in the winter of 1964-65, he was set up on a blind date with ‘a good-looking young blond woman.’ While he could not recall her name or where they went on the date, he did remember an unusual conversation they had at the end of the evening. At some point the young woman asked Al if he believed in the existence of other life forms or Alien life in the Universe. Al said he did and gave a few reasons why, which included the size of the Universe and the common scientific probabilities of the day. The young woman almost immediately gave affirmation to Al by saying something like, “Yea, you’re right,” and followed up with a most amazing story.

She was the daughter of an Air Force Chaplain. The family lived in Roswell and her father was serving on the base in the late 1940s. The young woman told him that sometime during dinner two men came to the door to get her dad. She recalled hearing them tell him that his services were needed. The incident caused such a stir in the household that everyone stayed up late until he returned.

Seeing that everyone was still awake, the Chaplain told his family that he was called to give religious comfort to some sort of Alien Life Forms near what seemed to be a crashed spacecraft. At least two of four creatures were still alive when he got there. He described them as looking a bit like adolescent boys, but obviously not human. No one knew what the creatures were or precisely how to care for them. As a result, all of the beings eventually perished. That was the crux of the story and the woman told Al that the family never discussed it in-depth again. Despite the lack of details, it presents an intriguing challenge and is typical of stories that pop up now and again.

Even more stunning are the revelations of the late Dr Michael Wolf, the ultimate U.S. Government insider. Introduced to him by my friend and fellow paranormal researcher Dick Criswell about twenty years ago, I was initially skeptical of some of his claims which included personal knowledge of various secret programs involving the government and aliens, technology gained from UFO crashes and agreements with aliens, and a UFO incident involving the late President John F. Kennedy (his wife was related to the Kennedy Family).

My skepticism vanished after a few conversations with him over the phone and various demonstrations of his political clout. If wouldn’t be unusual to find him speaking over the phone with Vice President Dan Quayle or former President Bill Clinton (Yes, it REALLY was them, not a joke or impersonation). I was also impressed by a mental exercise that he developed for the government. He called it The Gateway Treatment. It was disguised as a relaxation meditation that attracts positive energy and certainly accomplishes that goal, but it’s basically a way to mentally summon aliens.

Notoriously camera and press shy, he nevertheless felt compelled to share some of his amazing information and exploits with a few close friends and trusted paranormal researchers during the years shortly before his death in 2000. As a board member of the International Paranormal UFO Society, I am thrilled to announce the release of the only known video interview recorded with Dr Wolf on DVD entitled, DR MICHAEL WOLF: KEEPER OF COSMIC SECRETS. The video was filmed in 1998.

Those that look at the Roswell UFO Crash as case closed or believe that it a field that has already been farmed too many times do not understand the nature of the UFO subject or the power of the government cover-up. Years ago I spoke to a UFO witness. The event he observed occurred while he was in the military. He received calls at least once a month from people who said that they knew what happened and that he had better not talk about it.

Although he hadn’t told anyone except his immediate superior about the incident, people in high places seemed to know about it and the calls continued for years. Imagine the power of that kind of intimidation. Now imagine living in what became a government town during the 1940s. It wasn’t hard for anyone to imagine being locked up in some federal prison like Leavenworth if you happen to run afoul of federal authorities. Retired military personnel had even more to lose. They could end up in prison and forfeit any benefits, pay or pensions due them.

Sixty years after the Roswell UFO crash, we still do not have the entire story. However, that doesn’t mean there is no story. It just means that the U.S. Government has managed to convince most people that the idea of alien life forms visiting us is just not probable and that whatever crashed near Roswell isn’t something we need to be concerned about. Well, I beg to differ. The only thing that will come from trusting government officials to make all of the decisions while we remain blissfully ignorant is tyranny.

For more, visit http://www.UFOguy.com

About the Author

Author: Bill Knell
Author’s Website: http://www.ufoguy.com
Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print with the addition of a link to http://www.ufoguy.com or that URL printed with the article.

Article Source: Content for Reprint

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


Another excellent article entitled “Roswell and hangar 18” by Bill Knell is definately worth a read…..

For the Roswell Crash Timeline see Here


For the UFO Festival 2007 magazine please see here (takes a while to download, but gives alot of information, ie roswell and museum schedule for the event).

Also a printable version can be seen here, for the Roswell schedule….

Posted in "Flying Saucer", 1947, Roswell, ufo, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research | 1 Comment »

2004: Mexican Air Force encounter (ufo archive)

Posted by dandare on June 2, 2007

On March 4th 2004,  whilst the Mexican Air Force where on a normal Anti-drugs patrol (flying at 11,500 feet), circumstances dictated that what unfolded, was anything but normal. The pilots were only able to see the ufo’s, by using infra-red cameras, after they showed up on radar.

Video taped evidence was made widely available and the government confirmed it as such (ie taken by their pilots), but refused to add anything else on the matter.  

There were 11 objects in the sky, and they were moving (which were bright, and seemed like spheres on the video). They were in the Southern Campeche state. See the BBC link for information on this…..

Sceptical sites such as sceptic.com   , had other answers to this….. that they were ball lightning, flares or oil platform burn-off flares (the last being suggested by the Sceptic.com site). It also states “[.]….however it also demonstrates the woeful general state of basic UFO investigation and analysis”. Maybe, but i will let you be the judge on the footage available…. also i find that it would be a little worrying if the air force mistook these for oil platform burn-off flares…..i find this footage fascinating, and there is evidence to debunk the oil Platform theory… an example is in the you tube video below number1.


The actual footage can be seen in number 2

number 3 is for the oil platform theory… although as is mentioned in the comments, you do need to look at all the footage, not just part of it…


Also About.com has an article on this… i will leave it up to you as to what you think it is…. as far as i am concerned, i am undecided on this event at present…..

Posted in mexico Air Force UFO encounter 2004, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo video, ufo's | Leave a Comment »

Channel Island UFO Update (23rd april,2007)

Posted by dandare on May 22, 2007

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The MOD have responded to the FOIA, by mentioning that “the sighting took place in French airspace for defence” (see MOD Link) and that therefore the french authorities should be the ones to contact…. They then went on to say, that no further action would be taken.

An interesting report made available to the public, from the MOD can be seen here. In it are detailed descriptions, of the event, from both pilot witnesses that saw the event take place.

Bare details of MOD report:

 date 23rd April 2007

 time 2.09 to 2.18pm (overall 9 minutes).

No evidence that object was seen by radar (french), and was out of range of British radar…  

Jersey radar only secondary and so could not have detected the UFO…. (not in this report but evidence that there was a radar contact).

Two witness reports, one from Capt Bowyer, and the other from a Tristar plane.

UFO cigar shaped

Included in report are:   met conditions, air safety report, sketch of ufo’s and planes on a map … sketch of UFO and finally a jersey airport ATC comment in letter. 

I do find that the British have conveniently seen that the sighting was in french airspace, and washed their hands of the whole affair, well publically anyway.

update 25th May:

the reported cell phone image….. is definately now a fake, as was previously suspected (but without evidence). An identical photo from the BBC (see link here) has been manipulated to create the image with a ufo….. see PPRuNe (images at number #47) and on AboveTopSecret  forums for evidence….therefore this image can be placed in the bin.
UFOseek.com – UFO paranormal Directory, Community and News.

update 31st may:


 I would be interested to see what he discovers about sightings from others (who hopefully come forward and give him data)….. 

Posted in 23rd april, channel island incident 2007, MOD UFO files, ufo updates | Leave a Comment »

UFO balloons? what are they…

Posted by dandare on May 19, 2007

UFO balloons (or fire balloons) are a small balloon, heated by a flame below….. there are based on sky lanterns (invented by Chu Ko Liang), from China, which were traditionally made from a combination of bamboo frames and rice paper…. and they used a rag dipped in paraffin which is then lit, to get them airborne.

UFO balloons (i think commercialy started in 2005?) use a clear plastic bag (others use other material such as dry cleaner bags), and fitted below with a firelighter, held in place by wire; others have used balsa wood and drinking straws to make them, and a candle in place of the firelighter. 

A ufo balloon being lit and put into the air can be seen here on you tube…..

These balloons need to be put into the mix, when researching and collaborating UFO sightings, to confirm that it is not these that have sparked off the reported sightings…. they do have some characteristics that can help in this though…. they have a whiteish-yellow glow, although in some weather conditions, these can be orangey red, and do not move quickly (unless in a strong wind-although this could create a fire risk) and always with the wind too, obviously. 

A slightly different type can be seen in the video below

They must be used in the right weather conditions, otherwise there is a real possibility that they can catch fire to the surrounding countryside, property, etc.

The ideal conditions to use them are on cool, clear non breezy evenings… they last for around 8 to 10 minutes (but sometimes slightly longer) and can rise as far as about 1000 metres; it can also move with airstream’s as it rises. Although i have heard of some that can last for far longer (up to 40 minutes they claim) using a candle framework to keep it alight for longer…. i’m sure there are other variations too. 

Another thing is that they do not come out well on camera or video, but can be quite visual when seen real time.

So UFO followers must take this into account when considering reports of ufo’s, along with other phenomenon.

For instance, many recent accounts in the UK, could possibly fall into this category. 

Examples of this, can be seen at Southend ufo group site (2004) and give an indication of what they are like.

A recent sighting from the Archways (in London- febuary 1st 2007) could possibly be either sky lanterns or ufo balloons/fire balloons? the council admitted that a gathering let loose sky lanterns nearby; for report see here  . Although others are less sure it was this that they were seeing. Some witness footage can be seen on you tube below

Posted in chinese lanterns, ufo balloons, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »

Interesting video links for Nick Pope

Posted by dandare on May 13, 2007

Nick Pope, used to run the British Government’s UFO project at the Ministry of Defence..

 Initially sceptical, his research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon and access to formerly classified government files on the subject soon convinced him that the phenomenon raised important defence and national security issues, especially when the witnesses were military pilots or where UFOs were tracked on radar.  

He now continues his research in a private capacity and is recognised as a leading authority on UFOs and the unexplained. (extracts taken from his website, and worth a visit-see link at bottom of this article). 

Below are some interesting links i have found:

Nick pope interview, done by Underground Video

on science verses ufology (short video)

Ufo warning

secret history of the uk’s ufo project

Also see his website Nick Pope .

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Posted in Nick Pope, ufo cover up, ufo research, ufo video | Leave a Comment »

O’hare ufo sighting:flowchart

Posted by dandare on May 12, 2007

Here is a flowchart showing the main events from the o’Hare incident on november 7th, 2006.

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Posted in o'hare incident, ufo, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research | 8 Comments »

MOD ufo files update (not all it seems?)

Posted by dandare on May 10, 2007

As has been noted previously, that the MOD will be releasing files on UFO’s due to the FOIA, it has come to my attention, that the MOD might destroy the original files when these files have been added to the on-line database…. for the ramifications of this please see DI55 document release   . Of most importance is the end paragraph…..

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Also what might be of interest, is this article by ZNet Commentary  which is also telling us to be wary of on-line information….it mentions however both strengths and weaknesses amoung other things:


* The use of the Internet provides a rapid and cost effective method for the dissemination of unclassified information.



* The use of the Internet could have rebound effect and fuel a more voracious public demand for ever more material. May facilitate more FOIA requests by providing a shopping list of available materials.

* The use of the Internet could overwhelm the administrative system that processes inquiries. By providing documents that have been recently reviewed and declassified, it can magnify imperfections in the declassification system by making available declassified material out of historical context”. (extracts from Diversion and good faith distraction;on the use value of  conspiracy Data for the power elite……march 28th 2007By Paul Street).

Other related links on this matter can be seen here and here .

So although we will be getting information out of the MOD, there must also be the question? what are they not giving us as well? and so on…. 

Posted in MOD UFO files, UFO Documents/archives, ufo updates | Leave a Comment »

UFO Archive…..Pheonix Lights- video links.

Posted by dandare on May 8, 2007

This event occurred on March 13th, 1997…….an excellent report on this can be found on NUFORC.org.

For various videos please see below:

Phoenix Lights UFO – Former Gov.Fife Symington says he saw it

Why ‘Phoenix Lights’ UFO are not military flares

UFOs over Phoenix , Arizona

UFO – Phoenix Lights; full version

Phoenix UFO confirmed: George Noory interviews former Governor of Arizona (actually audio but interesting)

Former Arizona Governor admits he saw Phoenix Lights UFO (March 2007)

Also a very informative article entitled:


by Bruce Maccabee, originally posted Sept. 30, 1998; updated to March, 2002  can be seen here ….in which he believes they were flares?

one large article against flares and other usual suspects (ie swamp gas, meteors,ect) being the cause, is steve Lantz  in “The Pheonix Lights…. Debunking the Debunkers“.

Posted in pheonix lights, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo video | 1 Comment »

Ufo’s update in Guernsey

Posted by dandare on May 6, 2007

A RETIRED Air France pilot has backed Aurigny’s Ray Bowyer’s UFO sighting. (dated may 2nd)

See This is Guernsey for link; also see Editor’s blog  for his take on this.

Also scanned image of jersey evening Post dated 26th april, with an article of this event. (smaller image of article below).

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Also a nice article by the independant (may 2nd) on both Captain Ray Bower (on guernsey ufo) and the opening of the MOD files? worth a read.

Posted in channel island incident 2007, ufo updates, ufo's | Leave a Comment »